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New for 2025 

Carrot – Bolero F1





for serious vegetable growers

The vegetable varieties listed on the following pages have been carefully selected with the serious exhibitor and discerning gardener in mind. As growers ourselves we are only too aware of the need for outstanding varieties and fresh, top quality seed.  Our aim is to supply you with the best of both.  We supply graded or precision treated seed wherever possible, which has a high germination rate, greater vigour and produces better uniformity in the resulting crop.

Whilst our main choice of varieties is of particular interest to exhibitors, we also stock the best varieties for the allotment grower and kitchen gardener.  We are constantly searching for brand new varieties to replace those discontinued by our suppliers.  We can assure you that none of the new varieties go into our catalogue until we have trialled them ourselves and are totally satisfied they are top garden performers and potential show winners.

Read our Terms of Business any questions please contact us.

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